Mad night last night.
Got to T's at ten thirty in the morning, freaking about food issues. Went to go get the food and then came back and marinated and T's dad came back and took us to Safeway to buy some bread and to Liquorland to get Sky Blue and Smirnoff.
Back to T's! Herm's arrived, kicked back, filled up a hundred water balloons and chilled a bit before people started arriving. Showed them in, Herms went to go get A or something and we just talked. T the lolcunt wearing a full body suit. :') After majority arrived, T's parentals served the food (god bless them) and noms. :)
- Actually its pretty hard to describe the day like that. Bullet points!!
- Singstar, music from Herms' hard drive :)
- Much food :) Felt good to have other people eat food that T and I marinated. FEELS GOOD YA
- Lovely presents!!
- WATER FUCKING FIGHT. WAS MAD. Got soaked, got others soaked, watched others get soaked gave dry people wet hugs. :3
- Got changed, chilled.
- Jam sesh in T's room with Herms and I think Jc, P, N and C. And others going in and out. :D
- Cake!!!!! T's freddo cake raped my cake.. BUT IT WAS FREE SO ALL GOOD
- Back to jam for like two minutes before T called us back out for bday shots. Between most of us, the bottle of vodka was gone in like five mins. Had three shots consecutively. Not a good idea. Last time I ever try to be a hard cunt :(
- LOLJK it was my first time I'm noob soz :(
- Back to jam, this time a little more enthusiastically, and red faced.
- Sat on herms' lap for a long long while, took some photos and chilled :)
- I think T must have drank some more while I was in her room cause she came back SMASHEDDDD. On top of the Smirnoff, N also brought us Midori and Malibu. I wanted to try the Malibu.. Coconut :(
- T passed out, people started getting freakaaay.
- After it calmed down a bit people started leaving, T crashed, we cleaned up for her. Sweet kid. :)
- Left her to her undisturbed nap. :)
- Left for home lovely and sober, good night. :)

Presents included two pillow pets, a jewellery hanger, a mini piano figurino thingy, nail polish, tea, body lotion, some albums, a gift card, a male blow up date doll, lots of hugs and from Herms, a beautiful Swarovski bracelet that I now love to bits. :) Really was a good night. Woo!
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.