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Posted Monday, January 2, 2012 // 0 comments (+)
Shit blogger, it has been one fuck of a while since you've seen the likes of me huh? Since before Christmas!! Ninety percent of the three or two or two and a half weeks I haven't been around, I've been sick. FUCKING SICK THROUGH SILLY SEASON????? Ended up missing out on M's twenty-third party which is a hella shame. Had been looking forward to that since school...

Rewind to before I was sick. Brother got cut at me so I had a few days all to myself, no parents, no authorities, no work, no curfews, fuuuuuu. Two Thursdays ago (I know it sounds distant but trust I want to be able to reread this and remember) hubby and I hit the city (on spontaneity too!) went to some bridge he said he loved which turned out to be nicer than I thought, wandered around, made a fool of myself in front of some unsuspecting strangers and went to go have KBBQ at some new place, so fancy! You fancy, huh? You fancy, huh?!!!!

Well yeah, throughout this epidemic herms has made a fair effort, coming to visit me and talking to me and cuddling with a sick person. Lovely. I feel like I've been losing out on my friends a little though... I really need to pick that back up when I get better (if ever...)

OH RIGHT NEW YEARS!! Happy two-thousand-twelve, y'all! Had a lovely new years which was highly unexpected. Was complaining to hubby about how new years was gonna suck for me, in bed coughing and falling asleep before midnight so he decided to drag me out. Told me to go home get ready and give him a call when I was. Got picked up by G and headed to Woolies to pick up some snacks and drinks. Met up with A (sir talks-a-lot-about-nothing), N (spearthrower wasted cunt but still so nice), N ("oh, you must know my sister!") and A (don't even know her). Headed back to G's, sat around the table and W arrived, (nice to meet you, W) talked about random things, listened, got raped by mozzies and went inside. The girls left and so I watched the boys drink. I still salute N, getting so absolutely smashed on New Years and still wanted to keep going. :')
Jammed to some good choonz (flashing, laightttszzzzz) and some classics (DANSING IN DA MOOOOOONLIGHTTTT!!) and kissed the hubby at twelve while N and W cheered. :) Good night. K arrived with his girl and offered me a ride home. Nice guy.
Good night, stayed out til four and no one gave a fucking rats ass. Hopefully that's a sign two-thousand-twelve will be bloody awesome. YEAHHH.

Well that's pretty much the last two weeks wrapped up. Xmas was a bbq at dads and some romcoms and tissues. HAVE A GOOD ONE EVERYBODY!
PS. Mum comes back in two days, I don't know whether to be glad or sad. So let's do both! D:D
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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.