Posted Monday, November 14, 2011 //
#498.Just got my pc fixed!!! Yeyeyeye!! So just sitting here installing programs and drivers and sending the boyf dirty txts (lolyaok). There goes any plan for studying I may have had set up for tonight. It's kinda cold and I'm not looking forward to exams. I'm just looking forward to those damn lazy mornings that come during the holidays. Shit's gold. Anyway, I don't have much to blog about, things are going pretty lovely at the moment. Not too much I can be bothered to complain about. I'll come back when I'm interesting, okay? :) --- That was from last night. Right now I'm off on a study day and I'm just sorting through the mountains and mountains of files on this computer, good memories. I found this bit of a post I took out a while ago when I told someone he could have a look at my blog. It's funny because of how much I used to like him and how much I kinda-for-some-stupid-inexplainable-reason resent him now. ; #135. Have just gotten off the phone with you, buahaha! How cute is it, that when you find yourself taking the wrong bus and ending up on the other side of your suburb, you would choose to call me? You know what, I'm actually glad that I was able to keep you company, glad that I could keep you somewhat sane. Even if most of what you were saying was complaining about the cold, or the dark, or the being lost, I'm glad. I'm actually pretty ecstatic over the fact that you chose out of alllll theee peeeopleee youuu know, to call me! Little ol' me! Rofl, wow, that kind of just put me in a great mood. Amazing. I guess I've mouthed you off a lot recently for not paying any attention to me, but the twenty five minutes of verbal conversing we just shared makes me wonder if I was wrong to ever doubt the fact you saw me as a friend. I'm glad we didn't stop talking, and I'm happy that I hadn't put my plan of clean cut into action, or else I would have deleted you out of my life. Thanks for making me feel special. :D Well isn't that interesting. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK