Posted Tuesday, November 1, 2011 //
#496.I GOT A NEW FOLLOWER YESTERDAY LOL EXCITE I DON'T GET FOLLOWERS THAT OFTEN ANYMORE! Anyway, eh hem. I've got that thing you get after you cry. You know how you breathe in and then you let loose these weird little breaths like in out in out in out but realliy quick successively and it's weird. Awkward if it's just me that gets those. Anyway, today has been strange. Quite strange. Got woken up (rather rudely) by the mother and got told to weed the garden on my day off today. (Hooray for Melbourne cup I don't care about horses I just like the public holiday!) Brother wasn't home so mother skitzed it for an hour before he came home and told her to shoosh and we'd weed. She left for work even though she said today she was going to close the shop and give herself a rest. Had a lovely breakfast with the head chef brother and went to weed the gardenz. So many little bugs and greenery I hate weeds I will hopefully never have to do that kind of crazy weeding again. Weeds as tall as I am were dwelling in the deep motherlands of under the apple tree. What am I on about? Anyway, finished weeding, mother called and said she desperately needed help at work cause there were an insane amount of customers. THAT'S WHY YOU CLOSE ON CUP DAY MOTHER F- Brother left. Went to study for three hours before he called and said it was my turn. Work was shit. H came in, oh my god I reckon I'd shoot myself if I were overexposed to her constant questioning. Got a shit lecture in the car on the way home, went into my room and had a mad bawling sesh. Only cause it looks sah indie. By and by, therein lies the recap of tiendo's day. Goodnight! |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK