Posted Wednesday, October 12, 2011 //
#489.I've been doing too many 'about my day' posts. Quick recap of today before I launch into something amazing and rantalicious (fuck yes I did just make up a new word). Some religious justice day at school, no classes, guest speakers and a scarring ass movie called the Jammed about sex trafficking and what not. Free subway. Cleaned up my room. Like. cleaned up my room. You have to see before and after to understand. Anyway. Back to everything. The universe and how much it hates me. Not enough to want me dead (too soon?) but enough. I feel like I'm dropping behind again and I can't balance everything. Y'know, school work, family, work, (which are kind of the same thing), social life and you. Lately I've been thinking about you more than usual. I mean yeah beforehand I'd think about you every three seconds but now it's just consistent stream. Nothing doesn't remind me of you. I don't mean to talk about it as if it's a problem but is it? Even when I'm doing schoolwork, you're consistently on my mind. I don't know if this causing me to lose concentration or if I'll get used to it or I have to choose between things but it's giving me the freaky deakies. We'll see how it plays out. I don't know why I still stalk you it has been far too long but maybe I'm just far too obsessed with seeing you do the strange things you do. You are a speculation to me, isn't that strange? I knew you, I stopped knowing you but now I take mild interest in your mishaps and in your joys. LOL I SOUND LIKE SUCH A STALKER. Things don't seem like they're going to be the same. Free time is slipping away and I'm headed on a one way street to No-social-life-coop-me-up-and-study-my-arse-off-ville. Fucking. Joy. I will come back soon with something remotely interesting. I think. Hopefully. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK