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Posted Friday, June 25, 2010 // 0 comments (+)
Wowwee at the mental weather! It's so stormy and cold. But you know what's best on days like today? Airguitaring around your room like a maniac to your fav tunes. Atm, I'm headbanging to Kisschasy. I know I've said how brilliant they are in previous posts, but now, I can probably officially say I'm hooked on their lyrics, their progressive chords and their feel. I've had three albums worth of their stuff on repeat for the past two days. Brilliant.

Anyway. It's officially holidays now. Which is legendary. For the next two weeks, no ones going to force me to get up at six thirty in the morning. I am absolutely loving life. Have so much planned, including audition practise with A and J, for the senior rock band. Fingers crossed we make it in, huh? n___n
Got a city outing planned. Another moment of crossing fingers please, so maybe it won't rain (and maybe I'll end up accidentally bumping into you too, baha!)! I don't know. You said you'd come out with me, and even though it's pretty stupid and awkward, I'd still enjoy your company, just as long as you don't pull any funny business.
That came out pretty weird. But anyway. Maybe we could go catch a movie or something, cause that'd be cool.

Anyway. Hope everyone (including me) has an awesome epic crazy assed fun mental two weeks worth of holidays. Hope there's more rain to come tonight! May post another post a little later, Idk, this one doesn't seem filling somehow. o__o


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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.