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Posted Monday, June 21, 2010 // 0 comments (+)
I thought maybe I'd do a proper post for a change, seeing as the last week or so has really had me screwed up mentally. This is just gonna be another 'how I feel atm' post. So don't get all worked up for a mighty epiphany and waterfall of cleverly fitted words. That's definitely not what's coming. At all.

So lately, we've been talking again, well that's new, huh? I can honestly say that in the time we were apart I seriously missed you. But now having you back, just doesn't feel the same. Well, it's kind of the same, but completely different at the same time. Oh god I sound like a mental patient. But I guess it's still great to have you back, I still get butterflies when I see your name and everything, much to my dislike.

Um. Yeah. Been internet stalking a lot lately, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me atm. I guess, as of recent, I've been a lot more moody, offensive and I've been swearing a helluva lot too. I hope I'm not changing. Sighhh. Gay. Okay, I'll just put a poem in place of the words I can't be bothered to think of;

Give me those wings,
Those white, feathery wings.
The ones that take me to the higest floor of your heart.
Where I can stay forever,
live forever,
and love you forever.

Your sound of your heartbeat,
The feeling of you here with me.
I've waited almost forever for this.
This one insignificant moment,
Turns out all I needed was the right timing.

You've taken over my thoughts.
You've made me cry, you've dried up my tears.
You taught me how to smile, even when things were rough.
So stupid of me to think this would last.

So now, I'm no longer with you.
I feel so empty, inside and out.
You're no longer bound in my prison.
You've run away free with her.
I guess 'we' were never meant to be.
I should've guessed you'd end up with her.
But give me one chance.

I'll ask you once more.
Give me those wings.
Those white, feathery wings.
The ones that take me to the highest floor of your heart.

/Okay! That one was written almost forever ago. When I was younger. A lot younger, before I got caught into so much crap and screwed myself up. It's kinda weird seeing the way I wrote things back then. So different to now.
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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.