Posted Friday, September 9, 2011 //
#476.I think somewhere along the line I forgot to blog when I'm in a positive mood. Henceforth the top of my blog is overflowing with depression and what not. I could do another depression post but I decided prior against that. No, this is a post about you. A post about how without you I'd probably still be moping around blaming everyone else for my horrible post state. A short post, a partial exerpt of the million times I have thanked you and the million more times I will in the future. I didn't think I would have cried that much over that whole thing. I really didn't think that it would get to me that much, after all it wasn't supposed to effect me. I was a result of the steam of others. Breaking down was a domino effect brought on by her offset of emotional buildup. I really shouldn't of cried at all. Regardless, I did. It's done, and I can't go back and say I didn't. The thing is I cried more over that than anything else. I was only sad over that. I was cut over what you said. Not angry cut, wounded cut. Shit, this was supposed to be a post about you. So there I was, crying moping spluttering everywheree. Enter you. Boom rainbows unicorns Jessica Alba milk and cookies fried chicken. LOL no but seriously. I don't know how to say any of this without sounding completely interdependant. But that's what I am now, and maybe I shouldn't have set it out to sound so negative but with you, I don't need to be independant. Well, to some extent I have to be, but having you means I should have someone to talk to, someone that listens (god help you LOL). And really, before I went to sleep on Wednesday, I was happy. Honest, despite how shit and monotonous everything else was in comparison to the few hours we spoke is just amazing. Hey, if you're reading this, GET OUT LOL. But not before I tell you that I am still grateful for every part of you that you share with me. I am well and truly happy with you and even though all I do is push you away when I really need you, you'll always find your way back to me and bring me back to the brinks of sanity. I hope we never reach a pinnacle. The past months have been on an incline and I hope that's just how forever is. Every day you mean a bit more to me, you're a bigger part of me and I hope it's the same for you. Fuck me this post is wordy. I should probably find some challenge that lets me write about you daily because honest, I could write a book about you. And a sequel. Maybe a trilogy. Babe, I really do love you. Despite all the times I act like a jack ass and I say things that may upset you, I really don't have any intentions of hurting you and I hate seeing you hurt. The way you made everything just melt away on Wednesday is something I could only wish to do for you. I'd fall asleep to the sound of your voice any day of the fucking week. I love Viber, it's so high quality! It's just like having you next to me (minus the warmth and what not.) But I'll end this here and possibly post another tomorrow, but again, you are the highlight of my existence. Thank you and goodnight!!! P.S I tried to find relevant pictures but I fail at life. But that doesn't matter because
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK