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Posted Tuesday, August 24, 2010 // 0 comments (+)
Hi. I like you. I like you a hell of a lot. I like you a hell of a lot because you laugh at my oh so lame jokes. I like you because you don't ever say 'sup' because it's boring and you have better things to talk about. I like how you text me every night, and end with little love hearts that have extra threes like this <333333. It turns into an emoticon on my phone but I still like it. I like that you have the same love for quirky t shirts that I do!I really like how you gave me a nickname the first time we talked for real, and I really like that you continue to call me that nickname every time you msg or talk to me. (Even though it's a pretty shit nickname.) I like how you're just like a big kid, that always wants to cuddle, and you taught me how to sleep caterpillar mode so that I'd be warm.

I like how you shared what you shared with me tonight, and I like how you wait for me to say 'Ilyt' after every 'I love you' that you fire my way.

I can't stop thinking of all the things I like about you and everything I don't like but might grow to like in the future. Right now the pros list is outweighing the cons. So why is it that I keep looking for excuses?

Irrelevant, but wow that made me chuckle on a night like tonight. (:
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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.