Posted Monday, June 7, 2010 //
#62.I was intending on writing up a blog about pain, about hurt. About how you have no idea how much you're hurting her, about how if only you saw how her face looked when she thought about you. But then I decided against that. I considered rattling up another blog about me, and my stupid exaggerated depression, but I'm just not in the right mood for that either. So what will I blog about, today. Ahh. A general post, on general things. Funny, isn't it, how you can find someone you think is the one. Actually, you hope that they are the one more than anything. You meet them at a party, through a friend, at a station. You talk, you get to know each other. You feel it. A strong inclination to be with them. Like positive and negative, you attract each other. You build a relationship on similarities, differences, likes and dislikes. You reach it; the stage of friendship, and beyond that, best friendship. You slowly move along the line, until you hit 'seeing each other'. When it is out of the question to have any one else in your eyes, besides them. And then you become the one. Their one. You become boyfriend and girlfriend. You have anniversaries, 'our songs' and little cute, coupley things that only couples do together. The height of a teenage relationship, no? Boyfriend and girlfriend. He's mine, I'm his. You stay there. At first, you're happy. Overwhelmingly happy. You find a way to talk to him every day, hearing his voice gets you excited. And then it starts. The slow downturn of your relationship. Whatever the hell it may be. An argument, a sense of doubt that you're their one, or even just a simple 'sorry, I'm busy, can we talk another time?' but whatever it is, from there it goes down. Down, quickly. You continue to have arguments, continue to feel doubt, and continue to be unable to find time to talk. It snowballs. Your issue just gets bigger and bigger until one of you cracks. And then, just like that. It's over. Every bit of connection you shared is severed. Cut, ended. Depression. You slip into severe, remorse, regret, depression. You tell yourself that they were definitely the one, that you realize it now. But what you don't realize, is that it was fate. Fate that you met, fate that you had each other, fate that you broke up, and finally, fate that you will meet someone else. Look up. They weren't worth it. Keep your eyes ahead, and move forward, you'll find someone else much more worthy of your feelings. And you can spend the rest of your days with them, don't be sad. Just keep looking; move forward. Labels: Much of an epiphany. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK