#69. I feel like I'm in a nice warm mood today. So today I thought I'd blog about things I like, ten things, to be exact. So let's get on with it; - Friends. I am absolutely in love with my friends. There's nothing better than talking things out with your friends, majority of the time, they can make you feel a million times better, but that's just common sense now, isn't it?
- Unmade, warm, welcoming beds. Have you noticed how sometimes hotel beds are just a little too perfectly made? You don't really want to get into them at all, whereas home beds are messy and warrant the fact that you were comfortable there the night before. I hate making my bed. (Also cause I'm lazy! ;))
- Sleeping in the rain. Rain on it's own is awesome. Sleeping is also waaay cool. So when you get to have them both together, there is nothing better, like, seriously, best nights sleeps are include the wetness outside my window.
- Getting unexpected little texts that make you smile. This might not necessarily be a boy/girl thing. Sometimes texts that have "Oh I just had to tell someone.." followed by something really lame or stupid is the way to go! :D
- Music that makes you feel really cool when you airguitar. Make no mistake, you can't feel cool airguitaring to Funkytown. Songs from The Strokes are highly recommended for airguitaring, you feel like a complete stud when you airguitar to that brilliance!
- Photos. Not those posery photos, photos taken when you least expect it, when people are having a good time. I like those shots that scream "OH GOD I WASN'T READY!" although not all of them can be works of art, most of them make me happy!
- Having long meaningful talks with my 'rents. I can't believe I just typed that! LOL! But seriously, it's hardly ever that I get to talk to my parents about anything other than school, which then leads to lectures. But when I do, it's definitely ACE!
- Things that don't make you laugh until you look/think about them for a little while longer. OHH MAN, I love it when that happens. Sometimes it takes AGES to be funny, but when it is, oh dayum, I look like a complete mental patient laughing out of no where!
- Clothes that look good and feel super comfy. I admit, I don't have the greatest style in the world, (although I would definitely love to! n___n) but sometimes, I put something on, and feel like I could just go to sleep in it, but then I look in the mirror and go 'YAY'. Actually no, that was a weird one. AHHA!
- Last but not least, perfect hair days. There are those days, when you wake up, and walk past the mirror without a second glance. No need to fix anything up, it looks perfect. Halle-freaking-luia.
Well wow, that was a really long post. It was really fun to type up as well! So I won't include a picture seeing as this post is already a mile long. I'm going out later, I may throw together another blog when I get back! Labels: Like.
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.