Posted Wednesday, July 13, 2011 //
#464.Fuck me, I haven't been to blogger in too long. It's weird. LOL. This post is going to wordy. Well I decided to swing by today, because today was exceptionally good. Not even just the sort of good that is like waking up to the smell of bacon for breakfast, no. This is. Well, let's take a walk down reminisce lane, shall we? (even though the day isn't even over...) Woke up early because Herms and I had agreed on nine thirty at the station. Woke up too early so had a bit of extra time to be bored. Went to station, and met him in the rain. He always walks in the rain. I don't know why he hasn't got a cold or something. Trained bus trained bus wot to the city, some trains are down so it was hella confusing. Got to Flinders, went to Hosier Lane or whatever for some coffee and a bit of sightseeing (hardly). Don't quite remember what the place was called but they made good coffee. :) Um, then went to Melbourne Central, walked around, 'shopped' or rather browsed. Decided on watching a movie (which we later didn't end up watching) and went to kill time between then and the hypothetical movie we were going to not maybe probably not watch isn't. Went to Allan's Music after a bit of trouble finding our way and iono, looked around, browsed kind of jammed no not really for an hour and a half. Want that five million ten kajillion trillion dollar ukulele. More like five-thirty. Whatever. Will go back there soon. Then went to continue our tradition of buying a dodgy asian drink from that dodgy asian store in the honour of Super Sapau. Ended up with some weird ass bottle which was actually really fucking cool and it's hard to describe it was just fucking amazing. Didn't taste like grapefruit or anything, just asian lemonade. Went to go find toilets then went back to MC to maybe not watch or maybe isn't the movie. It was sold out. So we went to Pancake Parlour. He had steak, and I had strawberries and pancakes and it was brilliant. Mindblowing. I fucking love pancakes. Then went back to his place, made clain on the Pheonix shirt he got for me (omg died) (and yes now the photo becomes relevant, 'Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix' lol we sort of match cause he got one too.) and chilled. LOLOLOL. Yeah chilled. Very great day. Due to lack of interest I'm going to refrain from blogging about events that happened between last post and now maybe some other time SO MANY WORDS. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK