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Posted Friday, June 3, 2011 // 0 comments (+)
Today has been a really nice day. Probably because I ended up going to see Herms after school LOL. Iunno, it felt like a long while since I'd actually hung out with him and it was fun looking at pokemon for like an hour. ROFL, but seriously, that picture literally did have every single pokemon in it. Hectic as.

Then after that we cancelled some debts and it was fun. That was the best yet I think. Which hopefully means they will keep getting better, no? :)
And your reading of your letter to me was so sweet I wanted to eat you up then and there hawhahwahw you cutie ahfahgiaureg. Idk what I'm saying so I'm going to go now. Goodnight! :)

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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.