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Posted Friday, January 21, 2011 // 0 comments (+)

Woke up this morning all excited to go see the lover and shet. At eight. Cause I told him I'd be there at nine or nine thirty last night on msn because he lost his phone. Which is GG. He said he'd either be outside just chillin or inside prepping the pancakes he promised he'd make me. Oh lovely.
But then S called and said they needed me at work. There was a massive rush and we were to have relatives come by for breakfast. S had to pick them up and I had to cover his shift. He said I'd only be there for a maximum of two hours, and no pretty much wasn't an option. I was all like fuck you fine I'll come but I was really grumpy. I facebooked the Hermie hoping he'd get it before he up and prepped all the pancakes. :(

S came and picked me up late. At like nine thirty. I was all grumpy and shit but then he did that thing where he talks about the most randomest shit and I end up being okay again. Got to work, he signed on and told me it was okay if I was late, and he'd stay online to keep me company through my shift. Said it'd be okay if I couldnt' make it at all. BUT FUCK YOU MAN OVER A MONTH. So yeah. At all costs I said I'd make it. I thought I'd be out in two hours. And I'd make it to yours by twelve.

Turns out the fucking relatives were being bitches and didn't even want to come by the cafe, and made S drive them around to all the asian places in Melbourne so they could be all touristey and shit. Yes, that means Richmond. Rage. He got back at like, one. Fuck my life.
But then his friend came, and I had to place a few orders for mum before I got a lift off Nandos, S's friend. Told Hermie I was leaving for his place and he said in that case he'd better change and we could go to the park since it was so warm and sunny outside.

Was walking down his street and he came out onto the path and full did this massive cute ass wave. OH MY GOD. I would have thought I would have jumped his bones or something, but I stayed calm. Yes I did. Said some hellos, and talked a whole shitload and went to the park and just sat in the super chill weather/atmosphere for like, three hours. Decided it was getting kinda cold and went back to his place again.

Did the good ol' let's lie in bed until Tien has to go home and do coupley stuff. We talked about llamas and demons and sphincters and licking and how long your hair is now and camels and just the usual random shit we do. Left at like eight thirty, a few more eventful things took place but I am too shit sick of typing this out. And you're probably sick of reading it if you clicked 'Read more'. All in all, seeing you was brilliant. Made my day, my week, my month, and my year so far. It has seriously been too long, never again, Herms. NEVER AGAIN. Thank you for the very lovely gift, those hugs you do that I love (which I kept faking angry for, because they're so good!), the ludacris amount of kisses, and shame on you for forgetting to make me pancakes. OKAY GOODBYE BLOGGERS.
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Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.