Posted Wednesday, September 22, 2010 //
#244.So like, in the words of Greenday, 'Wake me up, when September ends.' Actually no not really. :D I am fucking tired from work, and I know I now complain about work every post I do, but that's because it's taken over my life! Get up in the morning, morning routine, work. Work, work, work, work, errands, work work work!! Come home, shower, msn, skins, sleep, wake up, and repeat. A couple of nights ago, I talked to you, sunshine. And well, aren't you just the biggest fucking ball of sunshine that shoots rays of happiness in all directions. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) It was a thirty second conversation, that's if you take out all the slow reps. "WHATSUP! It's been forever hasn't it?" says me. "heyy, yeah it has, haha." says you, post love. "What's newwww?" "nothing at all. S: what about you?" "Srs? Nothing at all? LOL. Actually yeah me too." "i'm gonna go game now. talk to another time," We never talked another time. Wow could you at least try to make conversation? It's the blatant 'oh it's you'-ness that pisses me off. What if I were her. What if I were bloody fucking her (that's what she said, no pun intended) and said exactly the same thing to you? Would you have like, launched into the story of your life, complete with little signature jokes and salutes? Ahahahahah you're so funny! Up yours, cunt. So anyway, waiting for the shower to free up. Don't know what to write about. Screw that, I'll blog when I feel like it! |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK