Posted Tuesday, September 21, 2010 //
#243.So I was sitting here just now thinking of you. And how we don't talk much anymore. I don't feel insanely pissed or depressed or anything now that we've drifted. No offense or anything. But really, I do kinda miss getting msgs and phonecalls and stuff from you, still cool though. And I was thinking about how you said since I came along, everything else seemed to look brighter for you. You were being more social and out there and shit. You said I had to stay in your life because I was your, what was it? "Random Charm" I have no fecking idea how you thought of that. Though I'm probably not. Meeting me and talking to me probably just made you a bit more open to new shit. Because when I first started talking to you, you were one helluvan inside person. But I guess now you're willing to crack those kinds of jokes and talk about those things so openly. I'm so proud of you! n____n Although from here on out I'll probably just drift further and further from you, know that you will always be a part of my life, big or small, you will always be a piece of the gigantic jigsaw puzzle that is me. :) Keep being confident and you will find yourself in situations where you won't stop smiling. :) On another note, this video is fecking hilarious. Some weird Japanese ad, advertising a CD or something. Credits to T for this. :L |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK