Posted Sunday, August 8, 2010 //
#176.I was in the shower earlier and I was thinking about how I always write boys' names on the fogged up glass. Over the years, I've written dozens of names. But only a few have been written more than once. Sometimes I write them and watch as they refog and disappear, and sometimes I write them and throw water at them. (God my shower ritual is the weirdest thing ever.) So today. I thought I might just go on and blog explicitly about a boy who's name I wrote on my shower screen for weeks on end. I'm not going to go into how we met. Because I really can't be bothered. But I really really liked him. There was so much about him that I loved. His sense of humour (same as mine, sexual innuendos), his absolutely amazing taste in music (same as mine, except broader), his skill in his chosen musical instrument (I've made it compulsory that I must like boys who make music). Everything about him was to love. Smart, funny, and best of all, he'd pick up on each and every one of my 'little hints'. The only thing not to love about him, was well. To be blunt, he wasn't exactly eye candy. But then again, his personality made him fine for me. It's just explaining this to my friends that I was oh so worried about. At the time, he had a girl friend. But being naive as I was, I thought, "oh yes, it would be fine to be friends with him, he's awesome". That led to me falling for him. IAfter about a week of friendly chat, he went through a tough time. His girlfriend broke up with him. (CHANCE!) But no. He decided on being hopelessly depressed. Which was at the risk of sounding hella bitchy, lovely. Because he was talking to me about it. I had become a confidante! (I aplogise for droning, if this is boring please stop.) But yes. And then there was a bit of innocent flirting. We did a cover of Coldplay's 'Clocks' together. My file was lost in my laptop's crash. Which I am painfully still not over. It was indescribable how much I loved that file. Stupid of me not to back it up I guess.. T___T" But then one day. It just stopped. His replies on msn got slower and slower. He slowly stopped replying my texts and picking up my phone calls. Christmas came, and he flew to Sydney for the holidays. I sent him both midnight texts for Christmas and New Years. And he replied to my delight. When he came back, we grew even further and further. Until one day I was sure he forgot about me. A friend and I were going to see a movie. On a day that the cinema was packed to the point where the line looked endless. C thought she heard someone calling her name. I laughed at her. Then she said they were calling me and I laughed even harder. Turns out there was someone calling me. It was his group of friends who he had asked to get my attention. We talked for no more than ten seconds and that was it. The last person to person conversation we had. And it was not more than a "Hey, what're you seeing?", "Oh, I don't know, friend's deciding". "Huh." They walk in and they walk out. Boys. Turn. Us. Girls. Into. Hopeless. Romantics. And then they go and break our hearts. Funny how it all works. Anyway. This post is overbearingly long I shall cut it short here. Labels: Apologies for the post length. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK