Well today has been rather chilly and I am almost sure that I will have a blocked nose by tomorrow morning, and if I don't, if you come near me you will get sick because I am a carrier and some sort of virus is laying dormant in me.
Anyway. Lots of work lately, not much that I've actually done. But yes. Also have been having a bit of a time looking for something to blog about. So I thought I might just do something I've wanted to do. I will write a list of prerequisites for 'My Dream Guy'. Yes this is sad and I am sad and sadness. Note that not every guy I will go to date or have dated ticks all these boxes, but I'm just saying. This would be the most perfect guy in the world.
- Same age as me. Or older. Younger guys make me feel like some sort of pedo.
- Must be sweet. I like sweet guys. Those guys that think being a jerk will get you girls, wow, you are total douchebags.
- Will have the most perfected sense of style that balances on that fine line of looking good. Between gay and just really hot straight.
- You must must must play a musical instrument. If you do, and are fantastic at it, I am sold and I will drool over you. Yes sir.
- Hi I think smart guys are sexy.
- Idm if you're not amazingly hot or anything. As long as you look good in my eyes, that's all I really want. (:
- Clingy guys are cute. But not so clingy to the point that it's sort of creepy and scary and stuff. I mean like goodmorning texts sort of thing. *shudders*
- Cute. Not fake cute. Cause that's gag inducing.
- PLEASE HAVE AWESOME TASTE IN MUSIC. And I don't mean a hardcore RnB or Korean music freako. That's just not on. My kinda thing, you know?
- Honest. And all those other good qualities most people look for.
- About that instrument thing, I think singing counts. :)
- I dunno. Just other things that make guys lovable. Because I've kinda run out of points. Am I picky, or what?!
But yes. There's a some sort of list, hahas, again. Guys don't have to be everything above to be great, I guess that's just unrealistic. And I don't think there's such thing as perfect. There's a normal human being who has flaws. But the best thing about it all, is you love those little flaws that make them them. Okay this post is creeping even me out so I'll stop here. May come back later.
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.