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Posted Friday, July 23, 2010 // 0 comments (+)
I saw your blog and I think you are a total douche bag! Cawcaw, but yeah these past three years have been pretty awesome, and I'm sure that without you, they would have been very different and probably not as awesome. Wow, that sentence sucked. Well yeah, know I'll always be grateful and happy because you have your trust in me. And by that telling me things you wouldn't go screaming out to others. We have a bond unlike any other. We hate the shit out of each other yet somehow still seem to get along. May things never change. Lubbery dubbery you, shit muncher! HAHAHAH. Yeah that's right.

*strikes try hard pose* YEAHHH BABY.
Yoururl.blogspot.com by your name

Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)
I Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel.
1. Staightener. 2. Better grades. 3. A bag that fits. 4. A better appreciation for life. 5. A haircut. 6. A new TV.

Layout created by mymostloved with background from sheiskits and inspiration from sagacity.