Posted Wednesday, July 14, 2010 //
#127. Wow, yeah I've only just realised now, that my day six letter was supposed to be to a stranger and the one that I did for day six was supposed to be day seven. So, with that, I'll just reverse the days, and then, ta daa! I haven't missed a thing; Day 7. A stranger. Why, hello there person who's name I do not know. I may or may not have met you, and I might or might not meet you in the future. I just thought maybe I'd let you know, that even though I do not know you, I have pretty cool impressions of you already. No matter who you are, you are unique, and for that, the world is grateful. Don't ever change yourself to fit someone else's tastes, because really, we all know it's not going to work out, and it's only going to leave you broken and in tears. Enjoy your life, stranger. Sincerely, tiendo. Well hey there blog, I've been pretty busy today! Mother and the aunties came home with an embroidery machine and I've been working my butt of figuring out how it works for them. Oh my god it is freaking awesome. Too bad it's going to Vietnam this Saturday, I would have love love loved! to have messed around with it a bit more. It's so user friendly has creates beautiful patterns! I don't know if you can tell, but I am in a pretty nice mood today, why you ask? (Well actually, I know you didn't ask but like, I wanted to explain! :D) That's because I logged on puuuurty late today, and you were the first one to start a chat with me! Like.. Seriously, two seconds after I logged on, could it be.. THAT YOU MISS ME?! OHMYGOSH! Breakthrough. But you're at dinner now. You had better talk to me when you get back, cause you were appearing offline, someone's going to get very grumpy if you don't. (me!) ROFL, okay I'll shutup. :D Ohhh! And last but not least, a little introduction to my friend, Tuan! (At his own request, whatta loser!) LOL, but he's cool.. Or is he? Nah seriously he is quite cool, good friend, that boy. :D That kinda pretty much sums everything up atm. Weeew! Labels: 30 day letter challenge. |
Hello, this is Tien. This blog is the remains of the unconventional cliches and angsty phrases of my teenage years. (Plus a new one every now and then)I ♥ Phoenix, (500) days of summer, double entendres, unmade beds, autumn, Chopin, syncopated melodies, G7 chords and things that make me feel. BACKTRACK